May 22 2020

I ramble on sometimes… about beef stew

Words are hard.

My daughter has a shirt with those words imprinted on her chest. It’s true, both interpretations. So I was just reading my prior post and I found myself cringing what I had written. I do ramble on. I need to make my sentences shorter and more concise. I need to stop using the word “I” so much in this post.

“Where life happens in the first draft” is the tagline I decided to adopt upon creating my blog. Why? Because life isn’t perfect and neither is my rambling thoughts being spilled out onto this site. I’m not going to say I haven’t done some tweaking here and there, but rather that the bulk of it is raw, exposed, vulnerable, ugly, pure, truth.

** In my feeble attempt at just getting in the above post, I got interrupted twice by my family. Granted I’m supposed to be working from home, but seeing how the virus has everyone stuck in their homes, I’m here and available. My son just did a number of the toilet and caused it to overflow. Yep, beef stew all over the floor. As soon as I got that quasi handled, my wife called me into the dining/living room area to look at the paint she had just applied to the wall. It wasn’t even dry yet, so I couldn’t really determine how it looked knowing it was going to change in color upon drying.







If this quarantine doesn’t end soon… something bad is going to happen



** I just got interrupted again by the wife.


Time. Time is the one thing we all wish we had more of and somehow seem to squander what little we get.



Posted 2020/05/22 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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