Hello 2018
Wow, its been almost three weeks since I posted something. Either I’ve been lazy or I’ve been busy. Honestly, it’s been a bit of both. Remember that crack robot game I mentioned earlier? Well… (sheepish grin)… I’ve been kinda busy (hey its been real things too).
Let me catch you all up on what’s new.
I got another new job. This one is a staff position, which is another step up, and it’s much closer to home. I’m going to start a week from today and it has me working four ten hour shifts which means I’m going to get a three day weekend every week. Hello awesome! The only bad part is I’m going to have to work Friday through Monday which means my family weekend time is going to be limited. What is good about it however, is that I’m going to be able to take some real classes on Tuesday and Thursdays after getting the kids to school. Another perk is I’m going to be available to help out at my old unit since I’ve now officially a steward.
What else… I’m looking to buy myself a brand new car. My existing car, while fully functional, is 12 years old. I’ve been itching to get something new. I started looking at the Honda Fit but then changed gears towards the Civic hatchback. The ‘trim’ or package I’m looking for, as of my calling the 20 closest dealers around Sacramento CA, which included the bay area and northern Nevada, resulted in no dealers having what I wanted. This means I’m going to play the wait and see when comes in game while just saving up more money.
As to writing? I’m still doing it but don’t foresee myself having the same time I used to as I have enrolled myself into 3 classes over the spring semester. I’m attempting to (re)sharpen up my server admin skills from how they’ve been rotting out these last four years at that armpit of a job I had under the ‘Macho Dwight’ regime. No Dwight isn’t macho unless you consider her mustache as macho.
Well, that’s it for now…