March 11 2017

This is what I have to deal with at work…

Hello Dwight,

As per your request, here is an accounting of what transpired throughout my day.

Let me point out that while I am willing to comply with your request I find it disheartening that you feel the need to require such validation of your employees.

All times listed below are approximations to within a 5-minute span, as I don’t recall the exact minute of each event.

7:50 – I arrive at work late because the train had experienced technical difficulties.

7:55 – I go in search of Channing Tatum and secure the hard drive lock box for my day’s activities.

8:00-9:50 – I secure the vehicle keys and work in the cage loading the desktop units into the van. In addition, I prepare my excel sheets and email them up to Sandy and Eddie hoping one of them can print them off for me.

10:10 – Having secured the flip phone from you I headed down to the loading dock and proceed to head out to BARD.

10:30 – I arrive at BARD and speak with both Milan and Natt who assist in transferring the survey items and helping unload the desktops.

11:30 – Having finished transferring the assets back and forth, but not locking the lockbox, as I know I still need to collect the hard drives from AUDIO, Milan walks with me to meet D&D.

11:45 – I take the lockbox, by myself, out to van and secure it in its back. I then get my laptop bag and travel over to BARD. I then set myself up in Bill Walsh’s cube, which is directly across from Tom Jerry.

11:55 – 12:55* – I work on updating AM/PM for the assets that had been transferred both to and from ICU.

*(12:25-12:35) – I visit the restroom. You asked me to list everything.

12:35-12:45 – I take the additional keyboards I had collected for ICU stock from BARD out to the van and secure them. Natt, Piper, and Milan all saw me.

12:59 – I start to clean up and shutdown my laptop but before doing so I send an email informing you that I needed to extend my time.

1:10 – I arrive at the gas station to fill the van’s tank

1:20 – I go on a shortened lunch knowing I need to get back to ICU.

1:50 – I pay for my lunch (A Hawaiian burger, fries, and a coke) and head back to ICU.

2:05 – I arrive back at ICU and park the van in the garage.

2:10-2:40 – I unload the van and secure the items in the cage. I then drop off the keys directly on Marlin’s desk with the gas receipt visible.

2:45 – I say hello* to Sharon Frank.

2:50 – After getting back to the cage I secure the hard drive lock box and head into the ICU main floor lobby and pass Marlin along the way. I inform him of the receipt upon his desk.

2:55 – I arrive at ENESU and pass Bob as I enter. Cher assists me up in the server room and signs off that she has received the hard drives.

3:00 – I arrive back in our unit and upon reaching my desk and placing my bags in my cubicle you call me into a 1on1 meeting wanting to know exactly what happened over the course of my day.

…And that brings us up to now.


Posted 2017/03/11 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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