So I managed to steal some time and snuck off to watch the Logan movie. It was a really good movie in comparison to the prior two Wolverine attempts.
I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t seen it so I will keep my opinions short and sweet.
Overall Grade: B
Now I can’t stop there as I also have to comment on the Deadpool short before the movie. I loved it. It was full of quip and oh so dark. It so matches my own sarcastic writing style. It’s the kind of stuff that sticks its tongue out at authority and does its own thing. It is the act of challenging stereotypes and expectations at its finest. Now I know I’m sounding like I’m ranting but it is my own blog so blow me 😛
I wrote my own Deadpool-esque style story with the working title ‘The Puppy Kicker’. Yes, I have a dark sense of humor and if you can see it bleeds through in my writing. This is in stark contrast to the real world me where I go to great lengths not to lie and try to put forth my best face.
It’s what I do 😉
Deadpool Grade: A-
That is all 🙂