February 6 2017

The Devil Made Me Do It (The story of succumbing)

Children often say, when getting caught, that they weren’t the ones responsible for doing something. Some adults, at least those physically old enough to be considered adults, do the same.

Case in point, myself. With my boss being something of an unreal tyrant, I found myself succumbing to the temptations of my own little shoulder devil. You see I did something to my bosses vehicle. I don’t want to say what I did, for fear of self-incrimination, but I can say what I did, having been a vehicle mechanic in the Army, will eventually cause him some serious cash to fix once it finally happens. Now it’s not going to cause a crash or hurt anyone, I’m not a literal devil you know, that is aside from his wallet.

Can you imagine the look on his face when his car gets pulled into the mechanic’s shop and the tell him what happened? Life, and in this case my imagination, is reward enough as nobody would ever think to connect this to me.

That should teach him to park like that again.

Posted 2017/02/06 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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