Friday… welcome back my lovely bitch
It’s early. It’s 5:30 on a Friday morning and I’m hanging out with a couple of hobos in the lobby of a local McDonalds doing some email checking and account maintenance on a couple of things.
I need to start writing again on my human story, I’m just not sure how to best handle it. You see I’m basically a panster when it comes to down to it. I tend to start something and then when I get into trouble I push it aside for a couple of days as the back of my mind works on the fine details of it. In the meantime, I try to tend to other responsibilities or even working on a different story.
Yesterday on the train ride home I came to realization that the story I was currently working on would have a sporting event that was a mix between the television show American Ninja and the board game clue. WTF you say? Yes, much like my idea for full contact golf, this would have contestants compete against odds, and each other, in order to collect clues to use to try and solve the competition. It is of course timed and dangerous as the participants are encouraged to take out their competition. TIME OUT in my mind. I think I’m describing the hunger games? I have never read those books and only watched the first movie, which I HATED. Still, the premise is somewhat similar. Then again I breathe oxygen just like Bill Gates therefore, I too must be a nerd who… okay bad example.
Okay time to get off my butt and get over to the train station and start in on my story again, enough stalling 😛