August 17 2016

Sup-Her day 19 done

I had a quasi productive editing day. ?


Moment if bitching: life isnt fair. Its not supposed to be. If it was then there wouldnt be so many dying aids babies and my wife be sexually attracted to me.

What? Did i go too far with one/both of my comments? Waaa

It is days like today that i contemplate these words…

 “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us”

Anybody figure out where that quote came from?

In yesterdays(day before??) post i made a decree about getting more time in the day. I want to do so much more but have sourly come to realize i am but a mortal. 

Maybe, if i ever make it in the business, i could get myself some sexy little hot baby faced intern to be my *aid. 

/twisted 1st world humor.

I need therapy 😉


Update: I originally wrote the above post on my phone and did some copy/pasting. Only today, looking back, do I notice the formatting issues. Oops




Posted 2016/08/17 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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