Hello again. It’s been awhile
This past weekend we had visiting family and threw a kids birthday party in our backyard. I also took a bunch of 8-9yo girls to a waterpark. Been busy.
Sup-Her progress update. I’m about half way through with my 1st cleanup pass of my second draft.
The second pass will be to listen to the entire thing and hear what catches my ear.
Then I’m going to merge the entire monster together (yes I wrote it in separate individual chapters) and do one more spell check/name fix on the thing.
Once that is done it should be ready for OPE (other peeps eyes) beyond those that read the first few chapters.
Uh.. what else… over the weekend I went out to catch the latest Bourne movie. It was a 10pm showing. Bad idea. I was tired and fell asleep towards the end. = no review here 🙁