June 17 2016

Still Day 12+ (Friday @Starbucks)

I love my little ASUS x205ta machine. The only regret I have is the friggin drive is so flipping small. So I’ve been using an external usb plugin to install my programs onto. Today the dongle decided it was going to have a problem. This is where I had my LibreOffice installed on.

Guess how much writing I’ve done?

The answer is some. You see I got some done on the train ride in thinking I could double that by hanging out in Starbucks near where I get off the train. Yes, I got up early to do some writing. My reward? A finicky usb dongle. Fun times.

So here I am googling on how to move my recovery partition over to yet another usb dongle so as to open up some space on my machines primary drive. Yeah, I can hear you now “Don’t that will guarantee the machine will die. It’s Karma and some other voodoo.” I don’t know if you were actually thinking the word voodoo but it’s my imagination so just go with it. I spent $6 on a 16gig thumb drive that is highly rated. I spent $150 on this laptop two years ago that is already suffering from a flaky screen connection cable that I have to constantly adjust when booting just so the connection/display is made. Once it’s made its good for much of the time. Only when I pick it up and move do I need to re-wiggle the  hinge again.

So worst case scenario? My $75 a year machine goes caputze. I can erase and use the dongle on something else.  I’m trying my best to hold back my pretend tears. I think I can justify buying another sub$200 machine 🙂 (at least one with a working hinge/display)

Crossing my fingers.




Oh yeah…. writing. I’m down to the final 1,000 words of day 12 stuff I’m cleaning up. My total word count for this far in draft 1 was 25,000 and right now I’m sitting at around 52,000 in draft 2.

Man, this day 12+(day 13&14 merged in) has been a real pain in the ass. I can taste the finish however. Hopefully the word count from this point forward is less filling in that it totally doesn’t double itself.




Posted 2016/06/17 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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