Somethings to say….
I woke up today an hour earlier in hopes of getting some stuff done. I did some small stuff like a bit of minor cleaning and throwing some small and neglected kid stuff away. I can’t throw anything away while they are awake because they will catch me. Not so much my daughter so much as my son. He is addicted to trash and trash like accessories. Do I sound a little like Hank Hill from the animated television series? That is somewhat intentional.
Something else was I was going to try and do some writing, which didn’t happen :(. I have to do some big brain thinking about how I’m going to merge the information from some chapters around and try and not disturb my timeline too much. Sadly that didn’t happen. I think my mind just wasn’t awake enough yet. Okay, I admit it, I got in a good couple of rounds in MOO4 this morning :).
I was also supposed to move some files from one-half filled memory card over to another half filled memory card in hopes of having one now full and one now empty. This doesn’t sound like its too difficult but since my primary gaming machine at the moment is a net-book I didn’t want to tax the CPU anymore than I had to from my game. So that didn’t get done either.
So here I sit on the train, transferring files around as my brain is a bit more lucid and typing away. Hey would you look at that, It’s done with the transfer. It took 25 minutes and I still haven’t gotten a whole lot written.
Something else I noticed while sitting here is just how much people are creatures of habit. I must admit that I do enjoy sitting along the right side of the train as it allows me to use my right hand for typing as my left is wedged in against the person to my left and is not conducive to being hitched outward for typing. The hitching outward tends to poke that somebody on my left into the ribs and that is just rude. Today I am sitting on the left side of the train, no biggie as right now I’m heading into work so it isn’t that crowded. What is funny however is just how territorial other people are when it comes to their favorite seats. I tend to like to be left alone, introverts raise a hand (*up*). I see people purposely wedging themselves in between others just so they can sit as close to their favorite spot as possible even if that means ignoring an entirely open bench in favor of nestling up next to somebody directly in their spot. I’ve been riding this train for over two years now and know these people’s habits. This is why the human race is doomed. We litter, we are greedy, we repetitive, we just don’t care.
Sitting across from me is an older man who works just one block from where the train drops everyone off. He walks fast, and I mean fast. I would, in fact, say he walks just as fast as I do. Mind you I’m not trying to race him so much as I have a natural speedy walk. Anyway, this guy doesn’t use his head mirrors at all when walking. What I mean is he assumes he is the fastest thing out there and acts accordingly. In the past, because of train positioning, I have gotten off before him, and like a good samaritan, I clear some distance between myself and train before stopping and pulling out my phone or doing some other mindless activity. This guy, passing me by, no big deal mind you, zooms along like he is the only guy on the sidewalk. Finishing with my activity I start walking again on my way into work. This geezer, not realizing that I have been catching up to him, does the whole lane change right in front of me and cause me to put on my brakes because he isn’t courteous enough to glance around before making unpredictable momentum changes. The first time he did this I gave him a startled “Hello there” to alert him to cutting me off. He didn’t look back. The second time he cut me off I was more prepared for it this time, I made sure I kicked a tree twig on the ground, up into his footing which caused him to trip himself up a bit. He, of course, turned his head that time to see what had happened. Then he just continued on as if that something was a nothing and went about his business.
Right now he is asleep and looking as if he is going to tumble forward and down onto my laptop. Maybe this is all some part of his revenge plan? Who knows. I knew I should have brought my uglier net-book today instead of my nicer one. Hey, he just woke up. I don’t see any drool, just curmudgeon.
So… how many words is all this? Pausing to check here. 850-ish. Not bad I just realized the time, its 6:55. The train is a bit late and I have three more stops until I and senior grumpy need to get off. I figured out who he reminds me off. Charlie Sheen’s show Anger Management has a crusty old man whose name escapes me at the moment. This guy reminds me of him. I have never spoken to this guy but that is just the vibe I am imagining. Two stops left now.
Okay, I’m done. Checking again…. 950 🙂
– Tootles ya all