Damn Woman!
I pride myself on telling the truth. I would even say that I go so far as to do myself harm by how honest I am. Here goes continuing this time-honored tradition.
The woman who got off the train from the seat in front of me was a schwinging hotty. My attention, mental and physical, is still on her and she left twenty minutes ago.
I love my wife but I still have this woman in my mind. I’m thinking I am going to need to do a little purging when I get home.
Now for the record, I have always been a faithful man, much to my own detriment. Why detriment you say? Well, I was a virgin until I was nearly 22 in age. I had chances earlier but elected not to take for fear of ruining my life before it even got started. The last thing I wanted to do was raise a kid before I was done being one myself. I sometimes wonder that had I been homosexual that I wouldn’t have been as conservative minded as I was.
What is also interesting is that over my 23 years of active service I have had a total of two sexual partners. Yeah, I’m kind of a square. Let me also say I have been divorced once and have married twice. You do the math. I am faithful to a “T”. Again probably to my own detriment.
I am no saint, far from it. I just made decisions willingly and stand by those choices. I am a man of conviction… and right now a serious boner. My god she was hot. I am but a man made of weak flesh.
God, I hope I can convince the wife to help me get my head straight later tonight. I love her. I know I can control my actions but am powerless against the thoughts.
Have I bored you yet? Ready for the real kicker here? I have gotten genital warts before and it was from a man. Yep, you read that right. Why would I make something like that up? So here is the “juice” of it. I was in the army, it was basic training, and as you can imagine we had some real asshole enlistees. As far as I can figure one of the bastards decided to refold his nasty underwear and place it in my clean drawer. With basic training as it is, sleep deprivation and having to get up at the crack of 4am, one does not spend the time inspecting their undergarments before dawning them to go out and run your 2 miles.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Grossed out yet? I’m not. I’m still thinking of that woman.
– GGrrrrrr-ootles