May 12
Betty White Vs Gary Busey
Uhm… yeah.
That is part of the idea I’ve been poking at this morning on the ride in.
Yesterday I got some straightening out done on my Sup-Her timeline. I only had 45 minutes to work with and between looking at the time when I started and looking to see that it was over I didn’t get enough done 🙁
Still I got some done 🙂
Oh Betty White… just what are you involved with?
Wait… do you mean to say that you’re considering writing a story about White and Busey?
Yeah, it’s a bit twisted. I would say CONSIDERING is a strong word. I got the idea about Black Betty being asked to take out Betty White and along the way Gary Busey kind of gets her off of her ass and back on track cause he can’t stand Betty White. I will email you the ROUGH outline if you want. Again it’s just a wild hair up my butt idea at this point. If I get enough semi-plotted out I might take the story on (someday). As it stands right now I’ve got to stay focused on my Sup-Her and stop letting the mental squirrels take me for these twisted rides. You know what… I am going to email you the mess just so you can get a good laugh at it.