4-20 Edition (+Full Moon)
That Seat is Reserved
Bear with me here, I’m working off of four hours of sleep. (I don’t know why but does it really matter anyway?)
I woke up to my cell phones alarm with visions of bouncing velociraptors in my head. Yes my dream this morning was that we had dinosaurs in our backyard. For some reason this was okay even though in my dream I knew it wasn’t supposed to be this way. What made it worse, probably thanks to Jurassic Park movies, was that the only thing keeping these six to eight feet long five hundred pound beasts out of our house while we slept at night was our fly-stopping-rated screen door. Yep, you read that right. In my dream, killer dinosaurs were being held back, by something akin to thick cheese cloth.
Nobody said dreams need to make sense.
So I get myself into the shower, do my duties, and eventually find myself finding a seat on the train heading into work. It’s a short train again, yippee, and I sit down on the opposite side of an interesting man.
He is wearing a blanket as if homeless. He is somewhat young looking, at least younger than myself. I can tell by the way he is wearing his hat… err… (old man bias mode here). What is the deal with wearing your hat all flat? I mean it just makes you look stupid. But so does wearing underwear outside of your pants, so what do I know? I find myself thinking back to the 80’s and seeing the exact opposite thing happening. You know where you the rim your hat it bent so bad it actually fails to cover your eyes. Balance people, you know, you can give it some character but also leave it well enough alone that it still provides sum functionality.
The other thing I notice is his hat says “100, always keeping it real.” All I can say is “Thanks Larry Wilmore.” It would seem as if you are the latest version of Spuds McKenzie. Yippee.
So Mr. 100 says to me just after I sit down, “That seat is taken.” I pull my headphones out of my ears, which weren’t on just yet, and said, “I’m sorry, what?”
“That seat is taken.”
Having already gotten a sense of the passengers onboard and having watched the train since it pulled into the lot. I answer back, “There wasn’t anybody here a moment ago.”
He busts out in a grin, “Man don’t take me so serious when I’m messing with you.”
I give him a nod and put my headphones back into my ears. I then situated myself into my seat and think to myself as I start pulling out my laptop, “Got my writing prompt for the ride into work.” I turn on the music on my cell phone and start to lose myself to the music when he starts talking to me again. This time I can’t understand him other than picking up “…registered voter…”
Today is April 20th and I’m working off of four hours of sleep right now. Oh and today is a full moon in case you might be wondering.
-It’s going to be a fun day.