April 17 2016

Wacky Tacky Editing

When 4 out of 5 people say your wording sucks, you had best believe them.

When 1 out of 5 people say “swap this word for that”. Ya, you know what? No thanks.


My son is jumping around in a Wacky Tacky birthday party and I’m typing away on my little Bingbook doing my best to edit my submission for a writing contest. I am going through the comments left by five individuals and you know what? some poeple notice things others brush right over. It’s kind of funny. Still when most of them point something out you better believe there is something wrong with it. When one points out something I try and weigh the comment as suggestive rather than absolute. You know, preferential.


Overall, except for my editing today, it’s been a very non-writerly productive day.


Yesterday I went to my longest running writers group and had some fun talking with the lot of them. Our conversations ranged from movies to politics and then to other random topics. Of course, alien abductions were also brought up at some point. This gave me a moment to explain the plots to two of my stories I was working on. One, being 2nd draft finished “Doug” (link here) and the other my synopsys of my Libertarian Wank Fiction story. This one is still in its extended outline stages and partially still being worked out in the back of my mind. They gave me long stares of “WTF” for the LWF one. They had no idea the philosophy behind it.


Back to the here and now… they are doing the birthday song and cake part so I have to put an end to this diatribe.

-Cake-elles all…

Posted 2016/04/17 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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