March 21 2016

Lady on the train’s opinion

I love being lectured by people who don’t know me.

So I ride the train into work and in the mornings use that time to write out my novel. I don’t always get the afternoons to do this due to crowding but at least I get the mornings.

Today, a lady who is too afraid to sit down on the seats without first having to saturate her seat with some cleaning spray and then wiping it off with a travel rag of hers, decides to tell  that I am missing out on life by drowning myself in my hobby. You see I am missing out by shutting myself off the way I do.

I did my best to play along and placate her as she gets off at the same stop as me and it was during the short walk to our perspective buildings that she told me of my faults.

You see, she admits to me, that it is by experiencing these interactions with others that she grows as a person.

I didn’t dispute what she was saying and I let her ramble on. You see I’m not afraid of seat cooties or other things in life. I’ve just had my fair share of other types of experiences and would rather self engage myself through my works.

I am 45 years old and spent a few years in the Army and have traveled to over 40 of the States in the good ol’ USofA. I am not a spring chicken. I’m not saying I still don’t pickup things along the way but what I am saying is I got my life pretty well figured out by now and know when to listen to crazy seat spraying people on the train and when to brush them off.



Posted 2016/03/21 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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