Bloggy Headspace
I just want to go to bed. I’m selfish. My throat still hurts and it’s even more painful to swallow. A couple of weeks ago I had my first kidney stone and the pain with that was pretty intense but tolerable. I have heard the stories of saying it’s equivalent to a woman giving birth and to that I say bullshit. Granted I have never given birth but I can say that an hour and half of stabbing pain in my side is probably nothing in comparison to have your genitalia torn apart from the inside for up to 24 hours straight if not longer. Now my hour and half pain issue when you count the three episodes comes in at close to 6 hours and I have heard stories of women pushing out babies with nothing more than a sneezes effort but I am not going there.
I am selfish. I just want to go to bed.
I’m still stuck in where to go with my PeeKay story. Trying to figure out what to do next is still escaping me. Yes, I know I could be editing a prior work instead as my mind tries to sort all this out but with my head and throat feeling the way they do its taking far more concentration on my part just not to call sick into work and fall asleep in my car. Yes, I’m on the train right now.
So I could have my character protect something, destroy something, discover something, retrieve something or who knows what else. I was thinking of having him hijack a car or plane with a payload but those pose problems all of their own. If he were to defend someone then that would be more of a long term commitment as you never know when or where the threat may come, that’s too long. Now in taking somebody out that seems the easiest but I’m still trying to come up with a who/when/where that fits the story. The last option of retrieving something hasn’t been explored enough yet in my head so I think that is where I am going to focus on for the day. You hear that mental squirrels? Let me focus on something! The squirrels can’t hear me due to the sinus pressure in my brain.
So what could he retrieve…an item (jewel)? A person (a kidnapping)? With the amount of money my secondary character is paying PeeKay it is worth something of value, at least to the secondary character. PeeKay is not so much of a thief or lock pick as he is muscle man who gets through the thick shit.
One of the random thoughts I had yesterday (thanks squirrels) was to google mercenaries and what kind of jobs they do. Can you say “Hello Homeland Security?”
I’m tired…
Thinking is hurting right now….
I just want to go to bed….
Over this last weekend, I put together a new Amazon playlist out of the singles I had purchased off of their site and am listening to it right now. Currently there is a remix of a New Order song playing and the line that is playing over and over in my ears is “I feel so extraordinary.”
I feel like shit!
-I’m done.