February 3 2016

We will all end up losing

I’m at my desk at work.

I don’t want to be there. My headphones are in my ears, both of them. One of my shitty coworkers was abusing the use of headphones by having both plugged in and blaring while walking around the halls with their face buried in their phone. All it takes is one retard to piss in the pool so everyone gets to suffer. I don’t care because I’m sitting at my desk. I have an album playing in my ears that’s kind of a mix between techno and trance. I’m physically at the office but my mind is elsewhere.

I am free.

Or so I would like to think.

I’m thinking about how little time I have in my days and or life. I want to be able to do what I want to do but I can’t. I have to play along in this stupid system. Earn a paycheck, pay the bills, and be ignored by the one person who is supposed to work with me in supporting each other.

I am alone.

Earlier today I found myself up on the 15th floor of where I work. I spent a good ten or so minutes looking out at the valley and thinking just how small our lives are in the grand scope of things.

I’m waiting for the train to pick me up.

Some fuck-face is power-smoking half a dozen feet away in some attempt at feeding enough of their disgusting habit to ride out their trip on the train and not go into withdrawals. Humanity is fucked. We are so simple minded of a species to only care about our immediate needs at the exclusion of its true long term cost.

-Enough Stupidity for now


Posted 2016/02/03 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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