February 1 2016

2200 kicking & screaming wor(L)ds

The voices are loud right now. They are all sounding like this right now…

Let me talk.
Write about me.
Skip those other thoughts, im funnier.

Im just going to babble in hopes of appeasing them all.

Funny thing happened saturday. One of my flakey friends actually showed. Wait arent i worried about them reading this and getting upset?

Simply…no. It takes more than a fluke to make a pattern. Prove me wrong 🙂

Now i did give him my entire first draft to a story, Sup-Her, so we will see what he does with that.

I was busy at work today playing catchup for having missed last friday due to my stone. On the ride in and at lunch i did manage to get down 2200 words down on my new puppy kicker idea.

I also finished an audio book and started another. Parts of my job are manual in nature and allows me freedom to take in books at times like these.

The author described first drafts in general as shitty and as (getting it) *DOWN drafts. The second is the (patch) *UP draft. Its essentially the first draft you wish you had done the first time. The third draft is then the patching(plugging) draft where you plug the holes presented to you from your second draft.
I thought this way cute and accurate.

I want to write more but im stuck having to hand peck this out on my cell phone because the train is so crowded. #1stWorldProblems

Just saw a text from my daycare place about my daughter. She is crying about her homework.

Posted 2016/02/01 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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