Killing Time – Milf Style
Since I’ve been on kind of a self-imposed hiatus from working on my second draft of my Sup-Her story I’ve been doing a lot more of short story work.
It’s funny but my mind has been rewired to write. I need to write. I need to live beyond my flesh. I need boobies…Uh… that was the wrong part of my body speaking there, sorry.
So with still two votes out on the results from my sup-her reading victims, the tally still stands at 2 to 7. I just emailed one of the two people who voted short asking for a bit of clarification as to their thinking process. Hopefully, I will get an answer sooner so I can start anew on my re-write again.
I’ve been working on a number of partially completed Milf stories. The one I posted the other day was one such story while I’ve been writing two new ones as well. Those should be released after some further editing.
Today I am at a public library as part of a writing group and am currently listening to my amazon account’s DeadMau5 playlist. Aside from having a cold, life is good right now.
I know this moment of peace isn’t going to last as I have to get over to the laundromat pretty soon and toss in our king bed’s comforter into one of their machines after one of our cats threw up on it again. Yes again. I swear cats are stupid instinctual [boobies] creatures with no capability of higher reasoning. Its like they are all instinct and self-gratification.
-Titties for now