January 22 2016

Dameon, Private Dick

So I wake up in the middle of the night feeling the need to pee. I stumble out of bed and make my way to the toilet and plop my ass down on it and tuck myself down and start to go. Why stand in the middle of the night when its dark and turning on the lights would only hurt my eyes and further wake me up? I don’t get it?

Anyway as I’m sitting there my mind starts to [SQUIRREL!] think about things and for some reason I come up with a mentally retarded character by the name of Dameon who solves crimes. Think “Scooby Doo” mixed together with “Monk” the T.V. series.

I crawl my butt back into bed and start trying to picture how to even start something like that.

I guess that is what I get for eating chilli cheese popcorn and mentos before going to bed.

I didn’t really eat those but I bet you thought I might have. My mind is a scary place.


Posted 2016/01/22 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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