It makes Sense8
A friend of mine suggested to me that I check out the Netflix series ‘Sense8.’ It was made by the Watchamacallit brothers siblings (not going to google this as I like the pun), of Matrix fame, along with J. M. Straczynski (I did google this), who is responsible for creating the Babylon 5 universe I love so much.
These people, while important in their own right, are not the focus of this piece. I haven’t finished the entire run of season one just yet, I’m currently on episode 10 of what I believe to be 12. I have been watching it on my train ride home from work as well as in bits and pieces during my lunch hour and breaks I can find throughout the day. Hey I’m a state employee, it comes with the cut in pay I had to take in landing this job.
Around episode six or so I heard one of the actors say, and I’m paraphrasing as I didn’t go back to check, “It is a parents job to do the best they can, it is a child’s job to forgive them.” That resonated in me only I hadn’t realized it at the time.
Days later, standing in the kitchen, as I’m yelling at my nine year old daughter to start her homework after having picked up my kids at daycare, and trying to figure out what kind of dinner we are going to have, this thought echoes its way back to the forefront of my mind.
My mind takes a mini-trip back to my own past where I can see my own mother doing stupid stuff because she is half crazy. She isn’t full crazy and for this I am thankful. No she is what I would call half crazy. She is the type of crazy that seems to fit in with society until you really get to know the person, only then can you get to the see the crazy that lies beneath the ‘normal’ normal looking exterior. I can’t tell you the number of times she has done something my teenage mind, which knew everything, could not make sense8 of except to say she was cra8y.
Now here I am twenty something years later shouting at my own ki8s to get ready for dinner and trying to do the 8est I can without going cra8y myself.
I hope one day they are a8le to forgive me.