My Son…(Isn’t my son)
So I’ve been off of work this week and been spending some time with the family but also trying to do some odds and ends around the house. Well, today my wife took the kids with her to visit one of her friends who had a boy around their ages. I got done with my stuff and headed out to meet them and pick up the kids. Randomly my wife and I met up outside a movie theater where we transferred the kids to me so she could go drinking with some of her friends. Let me say this again in case this part was overlooked. The kids and I were standing outside of a movie theater.
I said, “Hey guys, Star Wars is playing. Who wants to see it with Daddy?”
My Daughter, age nine, says, “Yeah, can I get popcorn?”
My Son, age five, says, “I just want to go home.”
Does anybody want a slightly used five-year-old boy who is infatuated with (My best Hank Hill voice from the animated show King of the Hill) trash and trash like accessories?