December 22 2015

Elevator Pitch for “Sup-Her”

So I just got done listening to episode 10.51 and after hearing Howard’s spiel about construction of the elevator pitch should include the following criteria…

Character // Conflict // Setting // Hook

Well I spend about thirty seconds using that and came up with the following…

*A super heroin wakes up with amnesia in the ruins of an airline crash only to discover that she had gone into hiding ten years earlier and now must face the repercussions of being discovered again.*

Not bad if I do say so myself.

Btw I emailed off the first chapter of my story to a couple of resources, who shall remain nameless, and am awaiting back their responses. I’m still plugging away at chapterday 2 work in all of its “naked glory”


Posted 2015/12/22 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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