December 10 2015

Scrivener and unreasonablness

Okay so I’ve been having some difficulty in getting scrivener installed on another machine. It’s been about a week now and over a dozen emails back and forth with one of their email associates. The issue has been I typed in my key for my prior version of scrivener not knowing that upon downloading an updated version that it would require a different key.

I know…silly me šŸ˜›

Today, after trying this and that and everything else they recommended, dropped the bomb on it. I factory restored my device just so I could purge it of the invalid key. Yes, it’s overkill but with them not being able to assist me in clearing out the wrong key what choice did I really have? I’m not a registry editor hack and I don’t think I should be.

Anyway now that my machine is up and going again, this time with scrivener installed correctly, I am in the clear. That is once I get officeĀ installed again and all my preferences twinked back.

It kills me with some of the suggestions I was getting it was blatantly apparent the agent hadn’t fully read through my emails. In their defense, I’m sure they have a number of cases they deal with on an hourly basis.

-ErkedĀ guy who is trying hard not to insert the “J” in the front of this sentence.



Posted 2015/12/10 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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