October 5 2015

Admin login is for daily use right?

I know I know. I’ve just gotten around to finally using my non-admin login to post my stuff. Trust me I am not usually this bad about this kind of stuff. Every site I visit has a unique password that I utilize and have memorized as it follows a pattern of seemingly randomness. /Well if it follows a pattern then it isn’t really random./ Yeah yeah. You would have to first get one of my passwords and then second get a second one to even begin to understand how to crack them. I use a multi-tiered system of passwords depending on how I think they rate for vulnerability. For example, the ones I use for my banking are security level 3 where some stupid wall street journal login uses a security level 1 login. Amazon type stuff typically has a security level 2. My work stuff generally has another level. Each of those levels, going up, increases in complexity.

For instance my level one WSJ example would use the password of wsjspot. “Spot” of course being something stupid like my dogs name. I don’t actually own a dog and haven’t since my childhood but that isn’t the name being used either. My level two stuff goes up in complexity and my level three even more so. I also use letter and number substitutions but also catch phrases that only somebody as demented as me would get. Here is another example of a level two which I just thought up but don’t use myself since I just thought it up. Let’s say your name is “Jenny” and your phone number is “867-5309.” Now lets also say that your car’s licence plate or even state issued drivers licencse number is something insanely simple like “BADDRVR.” I might use this for my Amazon login


See what I did there? The first character “A” and the last “n” refer to the site I am attempting to login into while my phone number is broken up by cars plate number. Who the fuck is going to guess that shit?

Now for another level 2 deemed site, say “eBay.com” you would use “e867baddrvr5309y”

Different yet the same. You would have to get 2 different passwords hijacked to even try to begin to figure out the pattern.

Where was I going with all this?

Oh that’s right. I suck at using the right account for my blog/domain. Well not anymore 🙂

Your welcome 🙂


Posted 2015/10/05 by TheWriteDave in category "Uncategorized

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