Tony E. Milf – 15 minutes my ass
[2015.09.21] “15 Minutes my Ass”
Word Count ~ 800
A few years ago a former boss of mine, who shall remain nameless, said, “anything is possible 15 minutes at a time.” That struck me as odd and has been rattling around in the back of my mind ever since. Well today I am ready to call that bullshit.
Wow, I know what you are thinking, it took me years to come up with my own opinion about something seems more than a bit weak. Hear me out. I still agree with the concept. I mean that insurmountable mound of obstruction can be moved if just a small amount of time is devoted to the project each and everyday. I am not arguing that. What I am arguing is that often it with more mental tasks that it can take the entire 15 minutes just to get into the groove.
My son, who just turned five, is a prime example of this. If he isn’t talking then I know something is off. He is sick or the house is on fire or Apophis is milliseconds from slamming into the Earth’s crust and wiping out all of humanity with it.
I’m just saying that some things require dedicated time and there is nothing that fifteen-minute chunks can do to alleviate them. Just this morning I recalled that I hadn’t cleaned the filter on my pool in a few months and was forced to setup a gmail calendar reminder for this upcoming Friday night so I wouldn’t plan on doing something else come Saturday morning. This project typically takes a half hour to forty-five minutes to clean all four filters and there is no flipping way I could just do one and then call it done for the housing unit contains all four units. When the housing is opened all four filters are exposed and you the entire system has to be taken offline. Writing, at least to me, is very similar. If I am going to get any of it done I can’t be bugged every fucking second I’m sitting there trying to let myself un-focus on this world and let my imagination loose.
The same goes for the cat barfs in my house. I never clean up the first barf I find for I know that within a few hours I will have six more to clean up. Once I get out my roll of paper towels and cleaning solutions, it’s not that hard to do them all in one fell swoop. To clean them up after the first one is futile. I have learned this lesson the hard way. I have as a manor of fact implemented a Henry Ford style of assembly line where once I’m focused on something I can knock out several all at once and then be done with it.
Another gripe I have with this is the lack of RAM in my skull. Some of you may get this but for those of you who don’t let me explain it the same way I do when I’m trying to explain how a computer works to a non-computer type person. Think of your kitchen. Think of yourself as the cook in the kitchen. Now are you a quick chef or are you kinda pokey slow. Your speed is what we call the CPU of the computer. Now picture you have a pantry in the kitchen. The size and depth of this pantry is how much permanent storage you have in your kitchen. Now let’s look at your counter space, you know how much room you have to work upon, this is the RAM of your system. If you have the counter space you can do a number of things all at once kinda of like multitasking. If you have but a postage stamps size area to which brew your coffee and burn your toast then you can only do one thing at a time. Think of the small area inside a motor-home kitchenette. This is my issue. I have very little mental RAM when it comes to projects. I can’t just drop one thing and then move on to the next right where I left off from before.
Now add in a child constantly tugging on your leg asking you child-like questions and acting completely helpless. You know stupid shit like, “Daddy can you bring me some water cause I forgot how to walk.” It really kinda knocks me out of any writing zone I was trying to cultivate. Now if I could just setup some Google calendar reminder system to feed my kids I might have a chance.