I. Was. So. Angry.
So I’m just going to ramble here as my thoughts are a bit raw to put into any kind of clear narrative.
I was in some distant place (New York) and was trying to get onto the episode of some show (the daily show?) but that show had ended as I had already visited it with my family and had taken all sorts of video’s and pictures of the set and with my kids sitting in Jon’s chair.
So I’m waiting outside trying to get in as the staff doesn’t believe me that Jon promised I would be one of his guests. I’m typically anything but a narcissistic person but with dreams anything goes. Any-who the staff keeps me out and as much as I try to convince them nothing seems to work. I call up John Hodgeman (Apple’s “I’m a PC” guy) phone and try to have him vouch for me cause after all who doesn’t have John Hodgeman’s phone number in their dreams.
The bastard doesn’t remember me. FU dream version of John Hodgeman 😛
So I’m stuck outside with my kids again trying to get onto the set for my interview and I start to get angry, really angry. The words escaped me and no matter what I said I could not convince the staff of my genuineness. I was reaching such levels of frustration that I literally woke myself up.
Gawd I was pissed.
It took me just a few seconds to recalibrate the fact that I had awoken and it was all a dream but closer to an hour to finally fall back asleep.
And then the cat woke me up as it started barfing between my legs on the comforter.
Fun times.
Hugs and kisses 🙂