July 9 2015

5-6 Chapters left of Mr. K 2nd draft to go through :)

It looks like I am in the home stretch of finishing my second draft 🙂

Since writing out my first draft of my Mr. Kobayashi story, over the summer of 2014, and not having that straight of a plan on its creation, the second draft has seen some major tweaks along its path. One is by the expansion of the earlier chapters, I tend to be a bit sparse. And now closer to the end, in the cutting of complete chapters. I just threw away a whole 2,500 words. Why? Because it was a development chapter for a character that isn’t going to play that pivotal of a role in the upcoming finish. I mean who needs to know about these no-names (Paul, Justin, Terry, & Scott) which are not going to be seen again for the rest of the book.

In my hindsight of 20/20 I can attest to just how much of a pantser I was(still am). I always had a the bigger story of the kind of situations that would happen but never the specifics of how these would play out. After the first draft was done, basically my huge outline, it was time to tighten it up and cut the wild threads I didn’t need dangling off of this thing.




Posted 2015/07/09 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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