May 7
Glutany of Glittering Things
A few weeks(months?) back I bought a book from Amazon and through life events kind of forgot about reading it. Bad book? No… Boring book? A little…. Too much crap going on in my life? Bingo.
So I started reading it again and not to toot my own horn too much but so far (28%) it isn’t speaking volumes to me. I mean I can hear what it has to say but most of it is just rehash of what I’ve heard before and what I’ve picked up on my own.
That being said I’ve also succumbed to the glittering squirrel effect once more. You see she referenced another book within hers, and me being the fool I am, I just went out and bought it.
I swear I have almost 50 books now stashed away that I have yet to finish on my kindle.
*Shakes fists at Amazon gods in the sky*