May 1 2015

No Mojo Today

I got a slight headache and a bit of an upset stomach. It’s making me just want to go home and plop my ass on the couch.

In writing news I got 300 words of an outline done today :/. It’s my “Ash” story line that I’ve had the inkling to write out for a good long while but have been focusing on my other works. Overall I finished plotting out all the major scenes for book 1 of it. It has an ending that could be a stand alone but could also play into book 2 if it ever gets that far. I got only a few chapters plotted out of book 2, which was my 300 words today. You would be surprised just how much real estate a mere 300+ words can cover. For instance….


Both in cells as the two are talking to each other from cages not in sight of other. Explaining world and characters and events of last book. They also have magical slave tattoos on them which allow tracking.


Prisoners enter kings thrown chamber in shackles

Ordered to kneel which they do not. Guard snaps at they best do it or lose their lives.

King orders all men out save the one that spoke up.

King explains that he is going to send the two prisoners to neighboring city to infiltrate until said time.

They say why

After watching you two in the slave pits I know you can do it. If you should succeed I will give you full pardons and make you both wealthy.

What is to stop us from just escaping?

I can’t stop you but know that you will forever be looking over your shoulders as my men will never stop hunting you either. You will also have access to my library and vaults to continue your studies should you wish. The finest armor and the secrets of magic for you to use as you wish.

The two start to think about it as king orders only vocal guard to walk over. How will it play off, the whole city knows you pulled our asses out of the arena and news travels fast.

The king grins “exactly” as he orders the guard to draw weapon and swing at gladiator. Gladiator dodges and king tells guard to kill gladiator again. This time lands kick against guard and kills him and then picks up weapon.

The two prisoners consider attacking king but his maniacal laughter tells them they really don’t stand a chance and instead turn to flee which is exactly what the king wanted them to do in the first place as it is now their cover story. As they scramble out of room he loudly speaks a “code word” and then shouts for more guards to enter in as the prisoners are trying to escape.

The two dodge their way through the complex but make their way onto two conviently placed mounts with provisions and flee out the wide open front gate.

They exit out into the desert arguing with each other of how they were setup and doubting if the king will honor his part of the bargain. They discuss tattoos and know that only by finding a powerful caster will they be able to free themselves of these markings but that would require them to travel the city they were ordered to infiltrate.


Events along the way….

Thats what I got done today.

Its not much but its the skeleton. The small stuff in the middle I pants but at least I have an idea of where things are starting out. I need to force myself to get back to my Mr K cleanup and will come tomorrow. Just not today.

Last night I watch episode 12 of “DareDevil” on Netflix. I will undoubtedly find time to catch the last episode sometime this weekend :). I must say I am impressed with what they have done with it.

Saturday morning, if I’m feeling more mojo-ish, I will try and get out early and work on my front yard some. With luck I hope to be a bit late if I can catch the wife in a different kind of mojo before heading out.

Posted 2015/05/01 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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