April 30 2015

I have 30 minutes….

Sometimes I skip out of work a bit early and catch the earlier train out to where I live. Today is one such day. It is April 30th and it is a warm California day outside. Did I mention the air conditioning in my car is on the fritz?

So here I sit in a local McDonald’s pondering what I am going to do for the next half hour before I have to go and pickup my kids.

This is the point where some of you guilty types would but in and say “why don’t you just go and pickup your kids early?”

F-that. This is defuse time. I love my kids but I also love my sanity and unless they want me to become unbalanced and eat them I need this time… of reasonable silence.

I got done reviewing a story for one of my peers as part of my in person writing group and just emailed it to her for our get together on Saturday.

Sitting here I can feel the air conditioning is on and it feels rather nice. I am afraid of what it is going to cost me to get my air conditioning fixed in my car.

I have 20 minutes…

I haven’t been cleaning up my Mr K story over the past two weeks as I have been spending my time commenting on a total of seven stories. Five for my in person group and two, late of course, for my online group. I did manage to get about a thousand words down for a new story outline so that’s something, right? Right now Mr K is hanging out at around chapter 14 if memory serves. I will pick it up again in the next few days but right now I just want to feel the cool air on my face. I’m trying to not let the fart I’ve been squeaking from my half tilted butt cheek get noticed by those around me.

What else… I love my wife. I love my kids. I got the fart out and nobody seemed to notice.

I am excited to see the Avengers II after it comes out tomorrow.

I hate spam. So I have a number of email addresses that I use and those I don’t use. What I mean to say is I have a “decoy” address which I use when someplace is asking for an email address for this or that and then I have addresses which I don’t share with the general public but only give out to select family/friends/employers. For instance FirstLast_@_service.com is one I don’t share where as StupidName_@_Decoy.com is one I do share when needed. Well for some reason one of my FirstLast ones has been getting slammed as of recently and it is one that I don’t use hardly ever. In fact the only reason I have it is because I managed to score it.

I have 10 minutes….

My phone contract expires in about a month and I need to start doing my homework as to what I want to select as my next phone. I am thinking I want a phablet but the Note4 costs around $300 right now and with my AC on the fritz that is money I can’t be throwing around. Now $50, that’s something I can swing.

Well that’s enough for now. Going to submit this and head out to get the kids.



Posted 2015/04/30 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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