April 28 2015

Ass-cuse me?

So one of my personal emails is rather bland and I often get emails from other individuals who type/read incorrectly and send me stuff meant for other people. This is one such example. This bloke is in England and I am constantly getting his crap..
Dear David
Thank you for your email. I am not sure why our letter has not reached you but I attached a copy for your signatures.
I confirm receipt of £400, thank you.
Kind regards
Dear David and Andrew
We refer to the above matter and our client care letter dated 23 April sent to the same above address. We would be grateful if you could please return a signed copy to us at your earliest convenience. If not already mentioned we will also require from you the sum of £400 on account to cover disbursements including the Leasehold management pack from the management company. Please see our bank details set out below in order to transfer funds accordingly.
Unfortunately, we have still not received the property information forms here at our office and would be very grateful if you could please complete the attached forms again and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you. It may be a good idea to send these by special delivery to ensure their arrival.  
Bank Details For UK & Foreign Client Premium Payments are :
Barclays Bank Plc
My response to all this…
Error… you have the wrong email address
I live in California
Apologies, which is the correct email address please for future reference?
I have no idea. You sent this to me.
Do you want the Popes as well?
So… In closing I can confirm that I am an ass.
Just not a dumb-ass.

Posted 2015/04/28 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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