Climax of the Walking Brain Dead
We interrupt your regularly scheduled reading time to bring you this *Action News Update.*
(as seen on Faux news) “Some people say…”
Somebody in my writing group told me that my story, as of chapter 2, had too much negative climax. They felt as if they hadn’t been emotionally vested enough in the character to want to see it through and it was more of turn off instead of drawing them in.
My goal of the story was to have a character who keeps having bad things happen to him throughout the story but through sheer will, circumstances, lack of other options, chooses to go on and get back up. They choose to pick themselves back up time and time again. Kind of like Rocky Balboa does throughout his movies. He takes it hit and goes down but the guy keeps getting back up.
So… how do I fix this?
More importantly….do I fix this?
I have given early chapters of my story to a number of people and this is the first I have heard of being “turned off” like this. So does this mean there is an actual problem or rather that this one person just doesn’t like the taste of “what I’m cooking?”
I can’t fix everything that every person mentions as it is ultimately my story and to cater to every ones ideological whims no longer makes it “my story” but a version of what other people want. So…. if 4 out of 5 dentists tell you that you have a cavity i’m sure you have one. If 1 out of 5 dentists tells you that you need caps I tend to think that this dentist is wanting to buy a new corvette.
Now to this same person, a person I do trust, I mentioned my whole Rocky Balboa thing along with my secret plot and they mentioned that I watch the show “The Walking Dead.” Apparently there is a character, Glenn, who is kind of a nobody who keeps getting kicked around but is still like able. I haven’t seen the show but I guess now would be as good of a time as any.