April 3 2015

And I’m back (and fatter)*

I went up to Lake Tahoe for a mini vacation over these past few days and due to limited vacation time at work (thanks to my constantly sick kids) and am back to the grind. Let me tell you coming back on a Friday leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

I did get to spend some time with my wife and even though it was short it was sorely needed. There is nothing like spending quality time on a condo’s couch in your underwear eating snacks and watching a movies with your spouse. Unfortunately she had more clothes than I would have liked but c’est la vie.

In getting back to second draftifying(new word) my Mr. Kobayashi story I just got done splitting old chapter 13 into the new 13 & 14 as it took on more mass during the cleanup. I hadn’t been able to really get much done over the past week or so due to life issues but hope to be pressing forward once more.

So to sum it up the first draft of my story came in at 72,000 words. Right now I am finishing up chapter 13/14, of a total of 33 chapters, and my present word count comes in at 34,800 where I was previously at 25,100. That’s an extra 9,000 words or 38% fatter. So 72,000 at 38% fatter should put me at around 100,000 words overall.

Now to be fair my first couple of chapters had some heavy growth which dwindled down considerably until I reached chapter 13/14.  For instance 11 & 12 were both originally 1,900 words each. They now sit at 2,100 & 2,000. My original plan was to inflate it some as 72,000 did seem a little thin but I was also hoping to keep it under 90,000 overall. We will see.

* Thanks Obama!



Posted 2015/04/03 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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