March 28 2015

Four months later…. Chromebook Vs Bingbook

I purchased the Acer c720p back in the fall of 2013 and used it selfishly for my writings when I was out and about. It had its limitations but it got “just enough” of the job done.

A few months back I purchased the ASUS x205ta “Bingbook” and have been moving myself back into using a windows machine. Why? Because it runs the programs I need(desire?) I purchased Scrivener (which I have yet to actually use) and the Hemingway app (which I use a lot). Since I am more into the editing mood I “need” all the help I can get. Had I been a “gooder” english student back in high school this might not have needed these digital crutches so much.

As to cost, both cost me $150 a piece, though they were both discounted at the times of purchase.

Now I did purchase a 128gb hard drive upgrade for my Chromebook and installed it myself. The extra drive space does wonders for downloading my movies from the google play store for watching while i’m on the hour long train ride heading to and from work. Sadly the ASUS book has the drive soldered into the board.

Overall I have to lean say I much prefer the Bingbook. There was also a slight learning curve in figuring out the keyboard layout with the Chromebook.



Posted 2015/03/28 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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