How I write (the ingredients)
So I started fiddling with writing about ten years ago.
it took me some time to come up with “my zone” for what works and what doesn’t for writing but here it is.
I require…
TIME. A friend of mine and former boss (his works) once said “Anything can be done in fifteen minute intervals.” While I can see this working for something like digging a ditch, no real thinking involved, it doesn’t work for me when I need to load my story into my mind and try not to unbalance the larger story in what I am writing. I have found that it takes me a good 5-10 just to settle in and load up my various documents (word/excel/browser) and then it takes a bit more re-reading where I last left off. So in the span of an hour I can say I can do a good 45 minutes worth of work.
SECLUSION. I need to be left the F alone. I can’t have my kids coming up to me every ten seconds with a constant series of *issues* like; “I can’t flush the toilet”, “I forgot how to walk”, or whatever else is an emergency right then and there.
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. I *LOVE* trance/techno music that has non or at least limited vocals. I tried getting into classical music but it just puts me to sleep unless it has a fast enough tempo. I don’t even know if tempo is the right word since I am musically challenged beyond knowing what I like. Typically I listen to the likes of DeadMau5 or Armin van Buuren. That is not to say I limit myself to them but since they are probably the most recognizable I just used them.
MENTAL ENERGY. I need to not be tired. I find that if I take a shower after waking up that this puts me into focus but the longer the day becomes the harder it is for me to want to write as I become progressively dumber. My bed time is typically between 10-10:30 at night. Depending on the day and hour the latest I can possibly *start* to write is around 8pm. Anything past that is pissing into the wind as there is just not enough mental juice left to be productive.