New story idea
Testing from phone
It seems to be working correctly 🙂
And now to post my idea….
So the squirrel in my brain came up with a new story idea and I want to run the two different angles by any scifi person here
This requires that you have seen the following two movies in order to better understand the angles I am contemplating between.
Angle 1…
The movie(book) A.I. (Spielberg)
Angle 2…
The movie Aliens 4
So the basic premise is a human clone awakens for the first time before a race of aliens that have grown him. He is physically an adult but emotionally a baby. While he was being grown he was saturated with their speech so he has a basic understanding of their language upon “waking up”. He of course lacks the physical traits needed in order to produce their sounds of speech but will eventually be given a speak-and-spell toy that will help him out. Over months/few years he grows up and that is where I am not certain about which way to take it.
Now which sounds more interesting…
Angle 1 is the benevolent benefactor one with the aliens having grown our protagonist from a long lost star fighter pilot that has been drifting through space for eons. Think the android/aliens with David at the end of A.I. In this one I don’t have a have central focus/conflict figured out yet. I’m thinking it will be along the lines of stunted maturity/EMO where he wants to be with his kind and eventually leaves(escapes) the station in search for others like him.
Angle 2 is a darker one with an alien race growing a clone in order to use it as a infiltration for a future planned attack on the earth. Think Aliens 4 lab growing multiple clones and training them. In this I have been toying with the idea of one of the clones escaping into the vents having learned/matured enough as to know that the aliens are bad and starts killing off the other clones but makes it look like freak accidents. So its a serial killer killing himself aboard a deep space station. Basically Dexter in space whacking himself.
Which one/two? sounds more like crap?