You need a better “pickup” line
So I’m sitting in my car listening to the radio in the parking garage waiting for the next train to arrive which will take me downtown. I find myself glancing around and taking in the excitement that is the early morning of a parking garage when a transient looking woman makes her way over to my car. She stops just outside my window and says “can you give us a ride just across the bridge?”
Naturally I look around who else is included in “us” and notice her partner not far away.
Now I don’t want to sound cold hearted but it was early in the morning and my train was going to arrive soon enough. The bridge in question was only a thousand feet or so down the street. The span across the bridge is rather long but that is not the issue.
I politely decline (at least it sounded that way coming out of my biased lips) and told her my train would be arriving shortly (mostly true).
So she walks away and I think that’s the end of it.
Silly me.
Not a full minute later she comes back and says “Can I have $2? I just got out of prison.”
Mmmkay buh-bye