February 10 2015

Brian Williams… pulled a “faux”

So Brian Williams, the current anchor, for NBC news was caught ’embellishing’ a story and now is having to face the so called firing line because of it.

(Rolling eyes) Seriously? Yes I understand he had a momentary mind blank but come on. The entire faux network is built upon embellishment. Their whole “some people say” line (google it) is their biggest… (resisting the urge to curse) … load of ‘hokey poo’ there is.

Yes he fibbed. So every fisherman you have ever known. Now I acknowledge he shouldn’t have and that a fisherman doesn’t have the kind of moral integrity that a nationwide news anchor needs to uphold but let me ask you this. Have your parents ever lied to you? Have your parents, the most important people in your developmental youth, said something a little bit crazy? I would assume that they have, more than once, and you turned out reasonably well enough having suffered through it.

Cut the man some slack. I mean he was shot at for Christ’s sake 😉


Posted 2015/02/10 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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