February 6 2015

Am I “Write” or am I “Wrong”

So the name of my domain is a pun. I’m sure that is obvious to just about everyone. But something about it has been bugging me in the back of my mind. I think its it’s an ego thing but to be honest I’m not sure how to phrase it. So… a blabbering I will go.

The “Write” Dave is supposed to be about writing. But as I am trying to come up with other things to post about it has occurred to me that “Write” can be thought of as “Right” as well. This is where it feels slippery to me. In no way am I saying I am never wrong or infallible. I can be just as dumb/misguided/uniformed as the next idiot.

So is my assessments of the Seattle sea-chickens bandwagoning wrong?  … No. It’s my opinion. Everything here is just that, my opinion.

Politically I am like most people in the united states (or at least most people thing they represent the ‘norm’. That is not lost upon me.) I am socially liberal and fiscally more conservative. In no way am I one of those people who believe I shouldn’t pay for my share of what makes society run. I like my flushing toilets and roads to drive upon. The phrase “I built that” by (w)Romney in 2012 is the epitome(yes I had to look up correct spelling) of stupidity. We are all parts in a much greater entity that we call ‘society.’

I think what is also bugging me is the notion that by saying “i am right(write)” is that it identifies me with one group over another. I guess I can’t really stop you and if you want to label me go wright* ahead.

Yes the spelling was intestinal as we are all full of it.




Posted 2015/02/06 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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