February 4 2015

“Boo!”… (from the grave)

“Boo!” I say as my wife enters the master bedroom.

She sneers at me and says with an annoyed tone. “Will you stop saying that?”

Confused, I lower my phone from which I was reading and ask, “huh?”

“You say that all the time and it’s annoying.”


“Yeah, stop it.”

“Sorry? It’s just a form of ‘Hi’. I didn’t realize-”

Our seven year old daughter calls out from where she is taking a shower in the attached master bathroom in an excited tone. “Mommy!”

My wife enters the bath area and then into the small alcove that houses our toilet. “Megan you need to start flushing after you are done!”

With angst in her voice, “sorry mommy.”

My wife says “saying sorry isn’t enough, you have to change it. You just can’t keep saying your sorry without actually changing your behavior.”

So i’m sitting there wondering how much of her dialogue is directed towards our daughter and how much of it is residual from her snappish remark to me.


I love my wife but I truly wonder if it is a gift we men die before women do.



Posted 2015/02/04 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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