November 5 2014

I’m such an idiot :(

I’m an idiot

So I just had my Golden1 credit card replacement shipped to me because of the home depot fiasco. Well yesterday I got an email from Netflix saying “we can’t charge the account” so I had to login netflix and update the sucker. Well today I got an email from “PayPal?” about needing to update my records as well and not thinking it through clicked the link they had provided in my email and started to update my password and information. Well as I was entering it in, only partially completed mind you, I started to question why they were asking for my birthdate again. I quickly looked at the URL and there it was “http://BOGUS-SITE/
I feel like such a fool. I quickly logged into PayPal and changed my real account password but now the SPAMMERS know my email account is real and can target me further. Do’H!

Oh and I don’t use the same password for every site I visit as but its still irritating to know I (partially) fell for it.

Now where is my Nigerian lottery money they promised me?

Posted 2014/11/05 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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