October 8 2014

Why so long?

“That’s what she said…”

Ugh… all kidding aside, why has it been so long since I’ve posted something? It has/n’t been a few weeks since I put something up. I “tried” to post two different updates over the past month but due to my SAS (short attention spam*) I clicked on the “upgrade WordPress to v4.0” button before realizing I hadn’t saved what I was writing. The result being that the post suffered a miscarriage and went bye-bye into the graveyard of unborn 1’s&0’s. My other attempt was on my phone, and it decided to have a wanker moment and crash on me, which of course forced me to power off my phone completely so it would restart. That was lost as well.

Oh well.

This is my first time back since upgrading to 4.0 and I updated the background and my logo text but haven’t messed with it beyond that. I just purchased another kindle book on “mastering WordPress 4.0” but until I actually read the darn thing it won’t do me much good.

I have also noticed that I have a ton of spam comments on my site which I need to clean up. I think I am going to ignore them all and mass deleted them because after skimming the first few I have come to the consensus that they are all Viagra-ish.

Now getting back to my header… why so long?

Oh… bad joke? Sorry 🙁


* not intentional, just subconscious and weird


Posted 2014/10/08 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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