Chp 30 … another one bites the dust
So earlier today when I was writing chp 30 I decided I needed to kill off another character. So I have it planned out but have yet to actually put it down. It was a tertiary character so its no big deal. But I thought to mention it because picturing her die brings just a little bit of joy to my day.
Ubuntu is still installing….zzzzzz
E dit er done
Okay so i have been doing the magic spreadsheet for a month now and i basically have 40,000 words. Now most of that was done in stolen moments like riding lighrail etc…
I have come to the conclusion that writing is easier for me than probably most in that my ideas flourish and my fingers flow. In pausing to do chp 28 for Mr. K i had to ask myself why? The best answer i could admit to is because it is (mentalky) harder to double check/edit that to free flow right. I need dedicated undisturbed time in order to edit where in my life i just don’t get it. I need to have multiple screens or multiple dead trees laid out before me so i can check one against the other. I cant do that in light rail or at work where I can sometimes get in a bit of sneak writing. I love my kids but they cant go more than five minutes before whining about needing something. I need to come up with some sort of solution.
Chp 28?
Lightrail seating
I dont feel like writing
Mr. K chp 25
I just made myself a little teary eyed
So im on the light rail typing away and im about 2/3 of the way through my story when i decide to drop into mrk’s memories for a little history dump. As im writing it out i find myself getting a little teary eyed much to the confusion of the man sitting next to me reading his bible.
So good or muhhaahhaa? I think both 😀
And I thought I was so….
As I’m writing about a fight between Mr. Kobayashi and a wolf, he is frantically throwing things at its face trying to deter it from eating him, and blindly grabs a hold of a tampon as part of his arsenal. I went into detail of how the wolf is chomping down and snapping at everything being thrown at him which includes the tampon. The tampon then adheres itself to the wolfs tongue thanks to the saliva. I created (or thought I created) the word “Tamponification” to describe the wolf choking on it. It turns out the word is real(?) and is being used as a domain name.
And I thought I was so S.M.R.T.