June 19 2014

My Weekday

Alarm 5:25

Shower & Shave and out the door by around 5:50

Get to the light-rail station at 6:00 for the train. Depending on seating and the girth of my neighbors I might be able to squeeze in some Chromebook writing time?

Ride light-rail and walk a few blocks to work.

Arrive at work just after 7 am.

lunch is variable but its typically a full hour which can be used for Chromebook write time?

Leave work at around 4:15

Ride light-rail and fight traffic to pickup kids from daycare by 6:00. Again timing and girth, possible Chromebook time.

Get groceries or do misc errands on way home with kids in tow. Be done with dinner/cooking (hahahha) by around 7:30

7:45 start bed time rituals for kids

8:45 finally escape kid zone and do some additional cleanup duties.

9-9:30 plop my fat ass on the couch. = BRAIN DEAD. …. Mongo likes beans….

10-10:30 stumble up to bed and start this all over the next day.


Now I do admit that I could possibly squeak out some brain juice for editing once the kids are in bed- Who am I kidding? I know I am likely to cause more harm than good.