I think I am rather fondle of this idea
I got to 70% in my reading of Got!
Picalo Petes… kids screaming
@CJ’s again with 3 screaming kids and still 69% in GoT
My Weekday
Alarm 5:25
Shower & Shave and out the door by around 5:50
Get to the light-rail station at 6:00 for the train. Depending on seating and the girth of my neighbors I might be able to squeeze in some Chromebook writing time?
Ride light-rail and walk a few blocks to work.
Arrive at work just after 7 am.
lunch is variable but its typically a full hour which can be used for Chromebook write time?
Leave work at around 4:15
Ride light-rail and fight traffic to pickup kids from daycare by 6:00. Again timing and girth, possible Chromebook time.
Get groceries or do misc errands on way home with kids in tow. Be done with dinner/cooking (hahahha) by around 7:30
7:45 start bed time rituals for kids
8:45 finally escape kid zone and do some additional cleanup duties.
9-9:30 plop my fat ass on the couch. = BRAIN DEAD. …. Mongo likes beans….
10-10:30 stumble up to bed and start this all over the next day.
Now I do admit that I could possibly squeak out some brain juice for editing once the kids are in bed- Who am I kidding? I know I am likely to cause more harm than good.
Nice little GoT spoof
I have to admit that some of college humors stuff is pretty funny.
I feel all warm and squishy…
Like a gummy bear that has been in a persons pocket all day.
So in my comments section of my sight I just found my first one. Of course its spam but its still special in a de-virginizing sort of way.
Pauline jasonchua.me/yx794x |
Submitted on 2014/06/11 at 7:58 PM
We have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for just a few days! You can sign up for our UP SCALE network with a free trial as we get started with the public’s orders. Imagine how your bank account will look when your website gets the traffic it deserves. |
You know what, its right. I can imagine my bank account looking better with the traffic it deserves. Huh…
Oh and lookie… its from both Pauline and JasonChua at the same time. Now that’s love when two people double spam you like that at the same time. “Two people, one spam” uh… never mind.
( – Time out and now back – )
So my twisted sick little mind decided to google “two people, one spam” and guess what I found?
A neat little plugin.
Thanks Mr. Internets!
I dont feel like writing
Haters gonna hate – LTCG
I had a friend of mine show me this video some time ago.
All I have to say is I understand the need to make money but by being a hack to do it? Weak…
Maybe that is the reason I haven’t gotten very far in my “work” careers. Because I haven’t sold myself out? Maybe he is the one that has gotten this all figured out? Maybe those products marketed towards women that are no different than mens with the exception of being colored pink?
Hhrrmmmm…. now I’m beginning to think that selling out or being sexist is a good thing?