October 12 2016

Ever get upset when you don’t make somebody cry?

I kid, I kid…

Okay not entirely true. Being evil and destroying peoples hopes and ambitions takes time and effort. Besides being an abusive father, a rotten husband, and all around piece of scum, I have little for much of anything else. In what time I do find I try and write, when not writing I try to crush the spirit out of others.

I recently finished reviewing the works of another Kids In The Hall victim and sent it back to him.

He sounded like he enjoyed the  beating which has left me a bit (more)founded. I used the word (more) because we already know what word was supposed to be there as it is a given.

This troll of a human being wrote some good stuff. It wasn’t perfect but he had a decent enough story and some good zingy points which I tried to point out. The less than zingy stuff I also tried to point out in my naturally evil way. THE BASTARD DIDN’T CRY!


I think I’m genuinely upset over his not being destroyed over my review. I think for my lunch hour today I’m going to have to go to the local pound and pick up a six pack of puppies for lunch so I can get my evil groove going again.


I guess I have to get started back in on my Mr. K story again. Chapter 10 here I come.


Posted 2016/10/12 by DarthDave in category "Uncategorized

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